Archives For: Industry Updates
HUD Looks to the Courts for Guidance on Eminent Domain
On February 13, National Mortgage News published an article titled HUD Looks to the Courts for Guidance on Eminent Domain.
13 Feb 2014
NH SB 341 Eviction Procedures on Foreclosed Properties
On January 8, New Hamphire introduced legislation that establishes a separate, abbreviated eviction process for foreclosed properties. SB 341 was referred to Commerce Committee.
7 Feb 2014
Henry Paulson Worries Lack of GSE Reform Could Mean Another Crisis
On February 5, Mortgage Daily published an article titled Henry Paulson Worries About Another Crisis.
6 Feb 2014
CFPB Prepared Remarks at US Conference of Mayors
On January 22, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Richard Cordray at the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
29 Jan 2014
Oakland Abandons Anti-Foreclosure Plan Fearing Wall Street Reprisals
On November 20, East Bay Express published an article titled Fearing Wall Street Reprisals, Oakland Council Abandons Anti-Foreclosure Plans.
28 Jan 2014
ABS Vegas Panel: Eminent Domain is ‘Stealing’
On January 22, Housingwire published an article titled ABS Vegas Panel: Eminent domain is ‘Stealing.’
28 Jan 2014
CEO Departs Firm Backing Use of Eminent Domain
On January 28, Inside Mortgage Finance published an article titled CEO Departs Firm Backing Use of Eminent Domain; Time for Wall Street to Declare Victory?
28 Jan 2014
Eminent Domain Threat Tops MBS Agenda
On January 16, National Mortgage News published an article titled Fear of Eminent Domain Threat Tops Agenda of MBS Executives.
17 Jan 2014
MI SB 35 Revises Fines and Penalties to Property Blight Violations
In December, Michigan Senate Bill 35 was enacted, revising civil fines and penalties relative to property blight violations. Servicers are exempt from the additional sanctions under SB 35.
10 Jan 2014
M&T Bank Helps Unemployed Borrowers
On November 21, DSNews published an article titled M&T Bank Takes Action to Help Unemployed Borrowers.
31 Dec 2013