Archives For: Industry Updates
City Collects Bonds on Vacant Properties released an article discussing Warren, Ohio’s foreclosure registration program.
5 Oct 2015
Huntington Adds New Fee For Vacant Home Inspections
Newsday published an article discussing the enactment of a vacant property inspection ordinance in Huntington, NY.
1 Oct 2015
Assemblyman Introduces Foreclosure Relief
LI HERALD.COM released an article discussing the introduction of legislation by New York State Assemblyman Brian Curran (Lynbrook-21st A.D.) that would provide eligible New York State homeowners affected by Hurricane Sandy with more time to receive entitled funds during foreclosure proceedings.
16 Sep 2015
Nevada Supreme Court Allows Pursuit of Deficiency Judgments Following Out-of-State Non-Judicial Foreclosure Sales
The National Law Review released an article authored by Mona L. Burton (Partner), Kirk S. Cheney (Associate) and Clarissa M. Collier (Associate) of Holland & Hart LLP. In it, a recent ruling from the Supreme Court (Branch Bank and Trust Company v. Windhaven & Tollway, LLC) regarding deficiency judgements is discussed.
15 Sep 2015
Notice Requirements for Protection of Tenants in Foreclosure Actions
Attorney James T. Martin of Poyner Spruill LLP authored an article discussing the passage of North Carolina Session Law 2015-178 HB 174, titled “Notice Requirements for Protection of Tenants in Foreclosure Actions”.
15 Sep 2015
County Supervisors Want to Put Squeeze on Squatters released an article discussing the desire of Kern County, California officials to have more rules in place to deal with the issue of squatters in vacant properties.
1 Sep 2015
Federal Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act
The National Law Review released an article authored by Brian H. Smith, Shareholder and member of Stark & Stark’s Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Right Group. In it, Smith details issues surrounding the now retired Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act (“PTFA”).
21 Aug 2015
?Foreclosure Predicament Persists? in New York
DS News published an article discussing a report released by New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli which explores the impact of statewide foreclosure activity.
17 Aug 2015
Panel Pushes City Eminent Domain in Newark “Foreclosure Crisis”
LOCALTALKNEWS.COM released an article discussing a recent panel convened by Communities United NJ regarding the city’s use of eminent domain to halt the foreclosure of blighted properties.
7 Aug 2015
Higgins Proposes Legislation to Expedite Sale of Foreclosed Homes by Banks
A recent article published by The Buffalo News discussed the Vacant Homes Act of 2015 (H.R. 3203), which was introduced by Representative Brian Higgins (D-NY-26) on July 23.
29 Jul 2015