Archives For: Industry Updates
Industry Hits A ?Momentous Milestone? for Loan Modifications
DS News published an article highlighting findings from the HOPE NOW August 2016 loan modification data report.
20 Oct 2016
Tech and Scale Are Key to Tackling Tight Servicing Margins
National Mortgage News released an article exploring servicing profit margins.
18 Oct 2016
State Spotlight: Acceleration Notices Require Strict Mortgage Compliance
DS News published an article authored by Lauren Riddick, attorney with Codilis & Associates, P.C. In it, Riddick discusses acceleration notices and the critical need for servicers to adhere to the exact language of the mortgage when foreclosure action is imminent.
14 Oct 2016
Back from the Brink: Treasury Celebrates Housing Recovery
DS News published an article highlighting a new report from the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
3 Oct 2016
Bill Introduced to Protect California Widows, Widowers Against Foreclosure
The Los Angeles Times published an article discussing the signing of CA SB 1150 by Governor Jerry Brown.
29 Sep 2016
Governor Cuomo Announces Proposed Regulation to Hold Banks and Mortgage Servicers Accountable for Maintaining “Zombie Properties”
The office of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a press release announcing a proposed regulation that mandates banks and mortgage services report vacant and abandoned properties in accordance with new legislation signed by the Governor in June.
28 Sep 2016
State Spotlight: Florida Court Decision May Bring Difficulties for Servicers
DS News published an article discussing a recent Florida court case that could potentially cause difficulty for servicers in the disposition of foreclosed properties.
26 Sep 2016
Legislators Mull New Fee to Help Combat Blight
The Times-Tribune (Scranton, PA) published an article outlining PA SB 486. The proposed legislation aims to enable counties to apply a fee of up to $15 for each deed and mortgage recorded to be used for a demolition program.
22 Sep 2016
Loan Modifications Increase as Foreclosure Sales Decrease
DS News published an article highlighting HOPE NOW’s July 2016 loan modification data.
15 Sep 2016
Proposal Aims to Improve Foreclosure Process Tracking
The New York Law Review published an article discussing the opening of a period for public comment on a proposal to require two new pieces of paperwork in settlement conferences required by New York courts in residential foreclosures.
15 Sep 2016