VA: VALERI Servicer Newsflash
Investor Update
December 10, 2019
Source: VA
Circular 26-19-29 – Special Relief Following Tropical Storm Imelda, was issued on November 8, 2019. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s declared disaster counties in Texas are: Chambers, Harris, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, Orange, and San Jacinto. The circular is located at
Appraisal Fee Changes – Effective December 1, 2019, appraisal fees have changed in Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The changes are reflected on the VALERI Fee Cost Schedule located at
Appeals – A system defect was identified where the appeal expiration date is in the future, but the appeal is displayed as having ‘Expired,’ which prevents servicers from completing the appeal submission. The issue was resolved as of Monday, December 9, 2019. Loans impacted by this defect will have a new expiration date of December 22, 2019.
VALERI Reports – Some users may encounter the following error message when accessing reports: “An error has occurred in the following section: [Exception, HandledFormatterQueryServletException]. has been notified of this error.” This issue is tentatively scheduled to be resolved with the system release on January 31, 2020. Servicers may contact the assigned loan technician to obtain the data needed on an individual loan basis until the issue has been resolved.
Servicer Department Contacts in VALERI – Servicer administrators can create and update point of contact (POC) information for each business area by selecting the “MORE” tab and selecting “Servicer Departments.” VA loan technicians rely on this information to complete their tasks timely. Missing or inaccurate POC information may cause delays for both the technician and servicer. Please routinely update the accurate servicer department POCs.
Accessing VALERI – The new VALERI application must be accessed with the Google Chrome browser.
Contacting VA – The assigned loan technician should continue to be first the point of contact (VA Servicer Handbook M26-4, Chapter 1). The Loan Technician contact list is located in VALERI as a Servicer Knowledge Article. It is also available at Servicers should refer to the contact list and ensure the correct email address is being used, as there may be more than one VA employee with the same name.
If a matter requires escalation beyond the loan technician, please refer to the RLC contact list located at to identify the correct VA management representative. It is not necessary to copy the VALERI Helpdesk when contacting the assigned loan technician/Regional Loan Center (RLC).
Only VALERI system related inquiries should be directed to the VALERI Technical team at Policy inquiries should still be directed to the VALERI Helpdesk at When submitting inquiries related to upload issues, servicers must provide the uploaded spreadsheet and the auto-generated error message received.