USFN Default Seminar 2005
Safeguard representatives attended two sessions at the USFN National Default Servicing seminar: HUD and Conventional P&P session, and Code Enforcement session, with the?goal of fostering communication between the servicer, field service provider, and code enforcement officials.
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HUD Property Preservation Super Session
1. Intro 1020KB
2. Caroline Reaves Introduction of Leslie Bromer 1650KB
3. Leslie Bromer, HUD Powerpoint/Intro to New M&M Contracts 8372KB
4. Claiming Work Performed Post Conveyance Date 3743KB
5. M&M Inspections Within 24 hours of Conveyance 6252KB
6. Pre Conveyance Inspections 7869KB
7. 2nd bids requested on non-debris removal items 2582KB
8. Monthly & FEMA Inspections 2037KB
9. Hot zone & High risk inspections 2188KB
10. When 2nd bids are automatically required and 3rd bids & 3rd extension requests 2361KB
11. Emergency Bids and 2nd bids – should they address all items or only debris? 4535KB
12. Bid process & electronic bid submission 6648KB
13. Reasons for Reconveyance 1415KB
14. Securing, Tarping & Boarding 3006KB
Convention Property Preservation Session
1. Intro 1569KB
2. VA Intro 1958KB
3. Pre & Post Sale determining occupancy of vacancy versus abandonment 5666KB
4. Interior Inspections & legal issues of resecuring 20940KB
5. FEMA/Hot Zone VA Inspections 2775KB
6. Discovery of Damages and Bidding full credit 4531KB
Code Enforcement Session
1. Intro 1913KB
2. City of Dearborn Intro 1687KB
3. City of LA Intro 968KB
4. City of Cleveland Intro 2115KB
5. City of Dayton Intro 580KB
6. Communication with Code and Maintaining a property in pre-sale 7331KB
7. LA Fencing & Vacant Properties 2051KB
8. Re-Occupied Properties – Squatters 2730KB
9. Violations on current loans 3237KB
10. Gated communities access through code 3906KB
11. Securing Requirements 3113KB
12. Dearborn – Attorney Reps for Servicer Issues 4470KB
Safeguard representatives attended two sessions at the USFN National Default Servicing seminar: HUD and Conventional P&P session, and Code Enforcement session, with the?goal of fostering communication between the servicer, field service provider, and code enforcement officials.
PHOTOS Click here to view a photo gallery.