Archives For: land bank
Chattanooga, TN Council Urged to Set Up Land Bank Authority
On February 17, THE CHATTANOOGAN.COM released an article titled City Council Approves Formation Of Land Bank Authority.
19 Feb 2015
Girardville Borough, PA Considering Land Bank Creation
On February 13, released an article titled Girardville approves looking into land bank idea.
13 Feb 2015
Pennsylvania Borough Considers Forming Land Bank
On January 22, published an article titled Mount Carmel considers land bank.
26 Jan 2015
City Land Bank May Erase Unoccupied Properties
On January 16, St. Joseph News-Press published an article discussing the plan of Missouri State Representative Delus Johnson (R) for the creation of a land bank for the city of St. Joseph.
21 Jan 2015
New York County Hopes to Revive Vacant Properties with Land Bank Creation
On December 11, The Buffalo News published an article titled Cattaraugus County establishes land bank.
16 Dec 2014