Archives For: land bank
Somerset County Considers Land Project to Deal with Blight
An ordinance designating the Redevelopment Authority of Somerset County (Pa.) to act as land bank was passed by the Somerset County Board of Commissioners.
27 Nov 2018
Redevelopment Authority Bill Approved in Pennsylvania
HB 667 was signed by Governor Tom Wolf. The legislation will grant redevelopment authorities the same power currently utilized by land banks through the Pennsylvania Land Bank Act.
19 Jun 2018
Manistee County Officials Seek to Learn About Land Banks
The Ludington Daily News published an article discussing the interest of Manistee County, Mich. in establishing a land bank.
6 Jun 2017
Albany, Dougherty Officials Consider Land Bank
The Albany Herald published an article discussing the possibility of the creation of a joint land bank between the City of Albany and Dougherty County, N.Y.
15 Apr 2017
Land Banks Created to Help Remove, Rehabilitate Run-Down Homes
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel published an article exploring the establishment of land banks throughout the state of Ohio and how they are used to combat blight.
2 Apr 2017
Live from Lebanon: It’s City Council!
The Lebanon Daily News published an article announcing that the Lebanon, Pa. City Council has approved the establishment of a land bank.
28 Mar 2017
A Way to Fight Blight? Cambria County Leaders Study Possible Tool
The Tribune-Democrat published an article discussing a land bank seminar hosted by Cambria County, Pa. commissioners.
3 Mar 2017
City Commissioners Ready to Move Forward on Land Bank Without County published an article discussing a decision made by the City of Brunswick, GA in regard to the creation of land bank.
19 Nov 2016
Evansville’s Blight Elimination Program Could be Revived released an article discussing the approval of the Evansville, IN Land Bank Corporation, which will replace the Brownsfield Corporation as the non-profit in charge of the city’s land banking.
25 Jul 2016
Petrarca Measure to Help Land Banks Rehabilitate Blighted Properties Passes
The office of Pennsylvania State Representative Joseph Petrarca issued a news release announcing the passage of HB 1198, a bill that would exempt land banks from the state realty transfer tax.
13 Jul 2016