Residential Redemption Laws Proposed in Two States
Legislation Update
January 30, 2018
HB 90
Title: Residential property, foreclosure, right-of-redemption, time period to redeem further provided for, notice requirement actions, affirmative defense, provided for, time frame for notice requirement actions, further provided for, Sec. 6-5-248 am’d.
Status: The bill is pending a third reading on day 9 Favorable from Banking and Insurance.
Source: Alabama Legislature (HB 90 full text)
HSB 531
Title: An Act relating to shortening the periods of time for redeeming real property from foreclosure and delaying sale of foreclosed property.
Status: The bill was recommended for passage by the Commerce Subcommittee on January 23.
Source: Iowa Legislature (HSB 531 full text)
SSB 3053
Title: An Act relating to shortening the periods of time for redeeming real property from foreclosure and delaying sale of foreclosed property.
Status: The bill was recommended for passage by the Commerce Subcommittee on January 30.
Source: Iowa Legislature (SSB 3053 full text)