National Housing Conference Solutions 2013
National Housing Conference
Solutions 2013
Atlanta, GA
September 17, 2013
Last month, the National Housing Conference (NHC) convened for Solutions 2013, the national conference on state and local housing policy. The conference featured concurrent tracks with sessions on:
- Restoring neighborhoods
- Solutions for inclusive communities
- How housing matters
- Housing communications
Under the restoring neighborhoods track was a session titled, Community Strategies for Combating Blight moderated by Lisa Sturtevant, Ph.D., vice president for research for the National Housing Conference and executive director for the Center for Housing Policy. Participating in the panel were:
- Tyler Smith, vice president, REO community development, Wells Fargo
- Adam Gross, director, regional affordable housing initiative, Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
- Michael Braverman, deputy commissioner, code enforcement, Baltimore Housing
- Michael Halpern, director of community initiatives, Safeguard Properties
Initial discussions focused on the current landscape in neighborhoods dealing with blight and vacant and abandoned properties. Braverman discussed the Vacant-to-Values program in Baltimore that has generated additional private sector investment in the city. Halpern discussed the increase in REO-to-rental companies that have purchased a significant volume of foreclosed homes. Communities continue to struggle to identify the proper organization and contact person to address maintenance issues. With additional entities, concerns have been raised that this will be exasperated. Several organizations have made a concerted effort to ensure transparency for municipal staff.
Smith provided an overview of Wells Fargo’s efforts in restoring communities with a strong focus of thinking locally and engaging locally.
Gross provided an overview of the recent decision regarding Chicago’s vacant property registration ordinance. Currently there is no information whether the city will appeal or if the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) will challenge similar ordinances in other areas.
In vacant property registration ordinances and other local regulations, Halpern advocated for greater uniformity. While acknowledging there will always be local variances that are required (based off geography, climate, etc.) increased uniformity will increase compliance.
Gross also discussed the Illinois legislation for fast tracking the foreclosure process for vacant and abandoned properties, along with similar legislation in other states. Feedback has been that it has not been utilized as much as it could.
Other topics discussed include:
- The need for continuing education of industry best practices to ensure viable solutions are created.
- The need for holistic approach to neighborhood development – the Slavic Village model was provided as an example.
- The need for comprehensive demolition in many communities and the associated costs.
- The population loss and resulting decrease in tax revenue along with conclusion of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
- The growth in popularity of land banks as a viable solution.
Safeguard Properties would like to extend its gratitude to NHC for our inclusion in this year’s event. The company is proud to be a member of the Leadership Circle at NHC and to support their efforts in restoring neighborhoods and enhancing housing policy in all areas.
About Safeguard
Safeguard Properties is the largest mortgage field services company in the U.S. Founded in 1990 by Robert Klein and based in Valley View, Ohio, the company inspects and maintains defaulted and foreclosed properties for mortgage servicers, lenders, and other financial institutions. Safeguard employs approximately 1,700 people, in addition to a network of thousands of contractors nationally. Website:
The National Housing Conference (NHC) Solutions 2013, took place on September 17, in Atlanta, GA.