Freddie Mac 2017 Scorecard: New Look, New Gears to Drive Performance
Investor Update
October 14, 2016
We’re starting clean in 2017 by refreshing the look and feel of your Freddie Mac Servicer Success Scorecard (Scorecard).
Based on your feedback, we’re making it easier to access the information that’s important to you by simplifying the existing navigation and providing a more intuitive user interface.
To learn more and help you prepare for the 2017 Scorecard, we’ve created a high-level overview video – check it out today for a sneak peek and see your feedback in action! Also, be on the lookout for the preview period beginning in November.
For More Information
- Read Guide Bulletin 2016-17 [pdf].
- Review our 2017 Scorecard FAQs.
- Visit Freddie Mac’s Learning Center for more on our training programs and reference tools.
- Contact your Freddie Mac representative.
Source: Freddie Mac (full update)