FHA INFO #15-70: Single Family Partial Claim Documentation and Delivery
Investor Update
September 2, 2015
Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) published Mortgagee Letter 15-18, “Single Family Partial Claim Documentation and Delivery Requirements,” the purpose of which is to:
- Remind mortgagees of the procedures for preparing and submitting Partial Claim documents to HUD;
- Revise the required timeframe for mortgagees to submit to HUD the original promissory note associated with a Partial Claim; and
- Describe the penalties for a mortgagee’s noncompliance with HUD’s Partial Claim requirements at 24 CFR § 203.371 and other published guidance.
The policies set forth in this Mortgagee Letter modify or supersede, where there is conflict, Mortgagee Letters 2013-32, 2013-19, 2012-22, 2009-23, 2008-21, and 2003-19 (Sections H, Q, and R).
The revisions to Mortgagee Letter 15-18 are effective immediately for all partial claim documents executed on or after September 1, 2015.
Quick Links
- View Mortgagee Letter 15-18, as well as all other archived Mortgagee Letters, on HUD.gov at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/administration/hudclips/letters/mortgagee
Source: HUD (Please click to view update in its entirety.)