Fannie Mae: Excess Attorney Fee Request Guidelines Updates
Updated 2/12/16: Fannie Mae has posted an updated version of the New Jersey AAA Matrix to the Excess Attorney Fee Guidelines webpage.
Investor Update
December 24, 2015
The AAA Matrix provides state-specific excess fee process guidelines and includes an excess fee process overview, as well as additional procedures and specific fee request requirements.
The matrix refers to applicable Servicing Guide provisions and other policies. Fannie Mae provides the AAA Matrix directly to the attorneys and updates the matrices as needed.
The process encompasses only attorney fees for legal services provided. It does not cover costs (anything other than an attorney fee). We review and reimburse costs to servicers through the expense reimbursement (or claims) process.
Only attorneys may submit excess fee requests. Fannie Mae does not accept excess fee requests from servicers.
Source: Fannie Mae